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not nude.

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Q: Can men and women gi swimming nude?
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What did the gi bill dofor the military men and women?

gave them rights for what they did.

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Yu-Gi-Oh Zexal - 2011 Swimming with Sharks 2-9 was released on: USA: 2013

Who won a speed skating gold in the 1000 meter in 1994?

Long Track ... Men: Dan Jansen, United States Women: Bonnie Blair, United States Short Track ... Men: Kim Gi-Hun, South Korea Women: Jeon I-Gyeong, South Korea

What year did the UCLA win streak start?

It depends what sport. Mens basketball 1966-1975 Women's javelin: 1983-1985 Men's Yu-Gi-Oh: 1763-1832 Women's Pokemon: 823 B.C.-1984 A.C.

Who benefited from the GI Bill of Rights?

Men who came home from war.

Who were the GIs?

GI's were the men serving in the military, usually meaning the Army.

Many working women lost their jobs after World War 2 because?

WWII GI's were being released from the service, and went after jobs. At the time it was commonly thought that a woman's place was in the home and the man should be the breadwinner. Women had been hired during WWII because there were not enough men to do the work, especially with so many men in the armed forces fighting overseas, and increased pressure to increase wartime production in factories. So thousands joined the workforce for the first time, often doing hard physical jobs in wartime factories, leading to the figure of "Rosie the Riveter". BUT, when the soldiers returned after the war, the old conventions were again followed, with women being fired and returning GI's being hired in their place. After all, women may 'want' to work, but the men NEEDED to work to be the breadwinners in their post-WWII families. Note I do not agree with those attitudes or actions, but that is what lead to many women becoming unemployed after the war. ... or so I have read and been told. Paul H.

What was one result of the GI Bill?

The middle class expanded as working class men were able to go to college

What does gi you mean?

In the context of WW2, G.I. is simply the abbreviation for "general issue" which applied to all of the clothing and equipment issued by the quartermaster corps to U.S. military personnel. It became and acronym whose meaning included not only the clothing and equipment, but the service men and women themselves. I've not heard the expression, "gi you" but would assume that it had something to do with the treatment of inductees, which leads to all kinds of ambiguous speculation.

What is the gi of rice?

gi gi

What is a womens anus?

The anus is the opening at the end of the digestive tract where solid waste is excreted from the body. In women, the anus serves the same function as in men, acting as the exit point for stool from the rectum.

Who is Laci Gi?

Laci Gi is Laci Gi