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Q: Can college athletes have jobs
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Related questions

Does the NCAA allow college athletes to get jobs?

they are not allowed to get a job

Do Olympic athletes have traditional nine-to-five jobs?

Yes. Athletes not in high school, or college maintain jobs. Home Depot is a company committed to hiring said athletes, to accomodate their training schedules. Obviously select Olympians have lifestyles that accomadate not having to be in full time employ.

Regulations of speaking to college athletes?

There aren't regulations of speaking to college athletes.

Can you go to class with a college athlete?

Yes, college athletes attend class with non athletes.

Can college athletes be in tv commercials?


Are college athletes provided with premium parking?


How many college athletes drop out?

a lot

Can college athletes be on television shows?


How many professional athletes lost there jobs from smoking?

Loads!!! i think the question is how many pro athletes smoke !!!

What percentage of Davidson College students are student athletes?

7% of attendees of Dividson are student athletes

What are the average college GPAs of athletes in various college sports?

3.3 and higher

Which college has the most athletes in London 2012?