I sure hope so i am in that same situation! knee injury and i have the footdop!
No, its too dangerous
No, its considered an ACL tear.
This means that the knee cap frequently becomes displaced or dislocated.
Dislocation. This may be due to muscle weakness, or knee cap fracture. The revision is replacing the insert, to a thicker material.
well suddenly you make a wrong movement and that's how it can happen
You can wrap your knee for sports, due to injury, and for weightlifting. Best knee support bandage for any sports person. And i found Agile Now Bandage, i think this is the one of the best product in knee bandage. Let me know your opinion?
Joints that are prone to luxation (dislocation) include the shoulder, hip, knee, elbow, and finger joints. These joints have a wide range of motion and are more susceptible to injuries that may lead to dislocation.
The CPT code for Open reduction of knee dislocation with repair of the anterior cruciate ligament by anchor suture would most likely be 27427. This code specifically addresses the surgical repair of a disrupted ligament (ACL) in conjunction with a procedure to realign the dislocated knee joint.
DefinitionKneecap dislocation occurs when the triangle-shaped bone covering the knee (patella) moves or slides out of place. The problem usually occurs toward the outside of the leg.See also: DislocationAlternative NamesDislocation - kneecap; Patellar dislocation or instabilityCausesA dislocated kneecap most often occurs in women. It is usually a result of sudden direction changes while running. This puts the knee under stress.Dislocation may also occur as a direct result of injury. When it is dislocated, the kneecap may slip sideways and around to the outside of the knee.SymptomsKneecap (patella) moves to the outside of the kneeKnee pain and tendernessKnee swelling"Sloppy" kneecap -- you can move the kneecap excessively from right to left (hypermobile patella)The first few times this occurs, you will feel pain and be unable to walk. However, if dislocations continue to occur and are untreated, you may feel less pain and have less immediate disability. This is not a reason to avoid treatment. Kneecap dislocation damages your knee joint.First AidStabilize (splint) the knee with the leg fully straight (extended), and get medical attention.Your health care provider will examine the knee, which could confirm that the kneecap is dislocated.A knee x-rayand, sometimes, MRIs should be done to make sure that the dislocation did not cause a bone to break or cartilage to be damaged. If tests show that you have no such damage, your knee will be placed into an immobilizer or cast to prevent you from moving it for several weeks (usually about 3 weeks).After this time, physical therapy can help build back your muscle strength and improve the knee's range of motion.If the knee remains unstable, you may need surgery to stabilize the kneecap. This may be done using arthroscopic or open surgery.Call immediately for emergency medical assistance ifCall your health care provider if you injure your knee and you have symptoms of dislocation.Call your health care provider if you are being treated for a dislocated knee and you notice:Increased instability in your kneePain or swelling return after they went awayYour injury does not appear to be getting better with timeAlso call if you re-injure your knee.PreventionUse proper techniques when exercising or playing sports. Keep your knee strong and flexible.Some cases of knee dislocation may not be preventable, especially if anatomic factors make you more likely to dislocate your knee.
knee joint
ether knee height, or a tad lower or a tad higher, mostly knee height since there "knee socks"
Sports World