Robin van persie is on 95000 a week where as abou diaby doesn't get paid
a shiny sixpence
how much money did nasri take arsenal
Arsenal have a strict salary structure, the only highly paid player is Cesc Fabregas with a weekly salary of 100,000 pounds. The rest get far less, as they are young and Arsenal do not spend unwisely.
some first team players have full time or part time jobs with Arsenal and so they will get paid for more than just playing would guess at a playing only salary - including exepnses?? - to start at £100 per game
It is Andrea Ashavin
A teachers salary can't be compared to NBA players salary.
No exact salary.
£140'000 per week
As he was young he got 15,000 pounds a week as salary.
The combined salary for all the NBA players this season (2008-09) is $2,147,804,038.
The salary for NBA players vary depending on who it is.