yes there are always backup referees in case one gets hurt,in any sport
A full backup
Incremental Backup. There 3 data backup types, full backup, incremental backup and differential backup and the only backup type that clears the archive bit is incremental.
selective backup
No Backup was created in 1996.
A backup to a removable disk.
It is one kind of backup
Backup Backup on another medium Backup somewhere else
What are the advantages of network backup? **** Network backup can be used to backup the entire network and requires fewer tape drives, or disks.****
There are many companies that allow you to backup data online. Examples of companies that allow you to backup data online include Carbonite Online Backup and My PC Backup.
A differential backup backs up all changes since the last full backup. To restore everything only the last full backup and the last differential backup are needed.
Continuous backup
The files which store the copy of your original data are called backup files. In windows backup files are created by NTbackup utility and windows backup and restore utilities. These backup files have .bkf file extension.