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Q: Are slingshots legal in Canada
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Related questions

Are slingshots legal in Japan?

it is. Its legal eveywhere in the world :D

Does the law allow slingshots in Canada?

yes because they are not really all that dangerous!

Are slingshots illegal in Utah?

Source slingshots are illegal for shipping and can't be shipped either into or from Salt Lake City Utah. In its stated its legal to own slingshots in Utah with the exception of Salt Lake City Utah. Maybe its a Mormon thing. List was updated 12/27/09 so I can't tell if this is still true.

When were slingshots?


Is slingshots illegal in mass?

Slingshots are legal to possess and use in Massachusetts, but there are restrictions on where they can be used. It is illegal to carry or use a slingshot on school grounds or in any public place where it poses a danger to the public. Always check with local authorities for specific regulations in your area.

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Yes, absinthe is legal in Canada.

What were slingshots used for?


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Are slingshots safe?

Slingshots are safe if they are used in a proper way. They cannot be used to take down a giant. Slingshots are mainly popular with teenagers and kids. If you kid is using it, then you should be responsible to show him/her how to effectively use it. If not careful, then it can turn out dangerous. Slingshots can be fun but being protected and protecting others is just as important.

Is it legal to own a pig in Canada?

only if its legal to eat bacon in canada

Are slingshots illegal in Germany?
