In more cases than not, probably: Yes
Of course, there are those who certainly are not - so we need to be very careful who we choose as such. Most importantly, they need to show good living values when dealing with other people, not just personal popularity.
Top sports' people have usually learned many of the following values:
They show u 2 never give up
Most show good sportsmanship and courtesy
They develop self-discipline in order to become good in their field and be valued in the sports; community.
Courage, loyalty, friendship, respect for others, honesty - especially with themselves, physical and mental stamina, determination and much sacrifice to achieve as they have
Overall, we should be proud of them and their accomplishments
They should be. Well, this question got an opinion. As a fact, most peoples role models are athletes. But the question varies too much... Role models are someone you can look up to, believe in, and that you want to be like. Your question actually requires you to answer, are athletes people you look up to and want to be like? there is your answer. now, most likely if you are in a lot of sports, your answer will be yes. But if someone wanted to be an actress or singer when they grow up, their role model might be Demi Lovato. Technically, your real answer is yes. If someone were to take a survey, most people would pick an athlete as their role model. Role models are someone you can look up to, believe in, and that you want to be like. Your question actually requires you to answer, are athletes people you look up to and want to be like? there is your answer. now, most likely if you are in a lot of sports, your answer will be yes. But if someone wanted to be an actress or singer when they grow up, their role model might be Demi Lovato. Technically, your real answer is yes. If someone were to take a survey, most people would pick an athlete as their role model.
Pro athletes should be role models because if their are no role models, then who do kids have to look up to? These role models might not be GOOD role models but they are still role models!!!!They are in the public eye which makes them automatic role models. Think of it as this,every one had to do something wrong...not just pro athletes do stuff wrong, u do stuff wrong to..give people another chance and think iof you were would want to be a good role model but if u did one little thing wrong, u turned into the worst athlete ever....its so hard for famouse people because everyone expects them to not do anything wrong but making mistakes is cant fix anything if you don't make mistakes...ROLE MODELS ARE GOOD!!!!
Sports players are considered role models because they are adults who people look up to. A role model i go along with his Mark Texiera. He's a really good hitter and models how to hit a ball far. He's also influenced me to bat better, and get my batting average higher. You could have a Sports player who you think about a lot and play like.
Of course, sports stars also inspire young children. Sports stars can inspire children to grow up wanting to be like them. But Sports stars are mainly a good role model because sport stars show to persevere, keep determined they show courage. Young people reflect on this and thats how they become good role models.
Michael Vick
road models for new comers
That is a question for the individual child. Athletes have been viewed as role models and some well deservedly so. But it is entirely up to the person who a role model should be and who shouldn't be a role model.
Because this answer is given principly by PRO athletes, it is by definition false. I define a role model as anyone who comes within the sight or hearing of a child. It does not have to be voluntary.
Because they are men!!
Athletes can be good role models because they can show leadership as well as participation and responsibility. They can show leadership by helping teammates and or helping a player on the other team. They also show participation by participating in their sport. Athletes are often very healthy aswell because they train so often which is a good role model to have because being healthy is very important. They show responsibility by trying their best to contribute their part to the team and or country if in the olympics. Depending on the athletes role there are different good and bad characteristics.
Yes, well if the athletie is not going out and getting Drunk and doing bad stuffs
No. We should pay people who contribute to society more, not those who simply entertain and are often poor role models.
All the footballers are role models in football.
Yes If the pro athlete becomes a BAD role model and do bad stuff, then the child should know right from wrong and should know that what the role model is doing is bad. Why would you emulate the role model when you KNOW that whet they are doing is wrong?
Our Role Models was created on 2009-12-08.
Role Models was released on 11/07/2008.