Professional refers to somebody who earns a living by doing something, therefore only sponsored athletes are professional. The majority of athletes aren't professional.
all athletes are educated, but the amount of it varies.
Almost all of them
All of them, i think about 56 %
My question is,"If you took all professional athletes in every sport and combined their salaries, not bonuses, just salaries, and averaged them out for each athlete what would it be?
There are more than 1,000 professional athletes in Europe.
There number of the professional black athletes is in the tens of thousands. Most of the athletes disciplines is dominated by the black athletes from different parts of the globe.
What kind of athletes
It is difficult to provide an exact number of professional athletes living in California as this information is not publicly available. California is home to numerous sports teams and training facilities, attracting a large number of professional athletes to reside in the state.
Including all professional sports from around the world, 2,734 athletes went pro in 2009.
they dont get paid at all
out of all male athletes only 0.45% make it to professional leagues and 93% of males attempt to play a sport in a leaughe of some level at least once