The rules of football play can be found online from The Rules of Play website. This website summarises the FIFA football rules, also available online, from the FIFA website (but these are 150 pages long).
Football Rules and RegulationsThe NFL Record and Fact Book has the official rules. Go to this site:Click on the link below.
In short: the same rules as every other league. All football leagues are bound by the rules of Association Football, these rules are administered and enforced by FIFA at international level and their own football associations internally.
There are 17 Laws in the FIFA Laws of the Game.
It is the same as men league Size 5 and all the fifa rules are followed for women league too. chitra
There is no way you can turn offsides off in fifa 11 as you cannot alter the rules of football. You can change various things but the rules of the game otherwise there will be no fun in palying a game with no rules.
FIFA is the world governing body of Football. They are the final authority as regards the sport, and the English version of the Laws of the Game, all 17 of them, is posted at their website. A link is provided.
There are no rules to football, they are laws though. If you go onto the FIFA website, you will find the 17 laws of association football. There is an unwritten law which is law 18 and stands for common sense, used by referees and officials.
There are 17 Laws of the Game that are too numerous to elaborate here. They can be found on the FIFA website under "Laws of the Game."
All India Football Federation affiliated in FIFA in 1948.
FIFA Football happened in 2012.
To set the rules and being in charge of the world cup