its called a goal
Umm... you score more goals than the other team! You score by putting the ball into the opponent's goal, much like hockey.
to defend your goal and to score on the other teams goal
A puck is a small, disk-shaped object used in sports such as ice hockey and air hockey. In ice hockey, it is made of hard rubber and players use sticks to hit it into the opponent's goal to score points. In air hockey, the puck floats on a cushion of air and players use strikers to hit it into the opponent's goal.
You use it to shoot in opponent's goal. Hockey players use the stick to control the puck. It's basically like all sports - the ball, puck are supposed to score points.
A goal is a single unit = 1 goal. The point of the game id to score more goals than your opponent
A Unanswered goal is a goal were the other team doesnt score after you do
I think it is called a goal.
you hit the heavy ball in the goal
TO score a point (goal or assist) and to hold the Stanley Cup over their head.
a hockey player must have an assist, a goal, and a fight.