Most sports agents have a back ground in law, which is good for the pure fact that you want an attorney on your side if you sign endorsement contracts. The contracts are usually written in such a way that the layman would not understand what they were getting into. So with the aid of an attorney that can speak, read, and understand this legaleaze, you should make out fairly well
The benefits of being a sports agent include fame that is associated with the profession. It also includes sporting event access.
A sports agent applies math when determining how much a sorts player will be paid. A sports agent also applies math to figure out his percentage of payment.
Would like to know why is it important to be an IATA agent and what are the main features and advantages of being and IATA approved agent
Marc Roberts - sports agent - was born in 1959.
Roger Montgomery - sports agent - was born in 1971.
you go online and then type in, How do I become a sports agent? and then click on the first thingy that says, "Sports Agent Course - Become A Sports Agent and then find your way from there. Have a great day!P.S.(Use, not anything else) ( is awesome!) :)
Being a sports agent is more or less a modified lawyer. The agent in most cases will have a lot of knowledge of laws regarding contracts, taxes, and other pertinent player related issues. The sorts agent in an advocate for the player that they represent not just for writing up their contract.
The following websites (separated by a comma) offer information on how to become a sports agent:,,
what is microbial agent, what is the advantages
Sports give you many advantages, including being in a better physical condition, a better social relationship, and many other things.
No, there is no amount of players you can have as a sports agent. The more you have, the harder it is to keep up with all their affairs. Usually, most sports agents have 1 to 3 sports players they are representing.
In order to become a sports agent without a degree in sports managment you would have to have some sort of in with a company. Most companies require a degree.