The homophone for troop is troupe.
The word troupe is a standard collective noun for:a troupe of actorsa troupe of performersa troupe of acrobatsa troupe of dancersa troupe of baboons
A group of monkeys can be in a troop, like baboons and langurs. Also, this kind of group is called a "troop", not a "troupe".
A homophone for "troupe" is "troop." Both words sound the same but have different meanings and spellings.
Heir and troupe.
Troup is a group of performers and troop is a band of soldiers
Like a dance troop. A parade
The homophone (sound-alike word) for troupe is troop, and the words have similar meanings as nouns. The word troop, however, can also be used as a verb meaning to march, or walk through.Examine:Every day after school, a dozen of her son's schoolmates would troop through her kitchen.
Or play the troop of Moliere
The official name for a group of chimpanzees is a troop (or troupe). So if you see several chimpanzees together, they are/part of a troop.
The official name for a group of chimpanzees is a troop (or troupe). So if you see several chimpanzees together, they are/part of a troop.
The collective noun is a block of flats.