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Q: A sport profecinal salary
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What is the salary of an sport officer?

in the uk it is 24225 ueros

What sport has the highest minimum salary?

Baseball then basketball

Does a dance career have insurance benefits?

yes because u cant be a profecinal if u dont!!

What professional sport implemented the salary cap first?

I think it was basketball.

What major league sport has a salary cap?

NFL football and NBA basketball

What US sport first paid a million dollar salary and who was the player?

may not be

Do you need ICT to be a profecinal dancer?

Yes you do, i don't know any professional dancer who doesn't have ICT, you would not even get an interview without it.

What do sport managers do?

they make over 300k a year and they handle their teams salary and many more.

Why is the salary of professional lacrosse players so low?

they dont care for the oldest sport in america and its such a highly skilled sport that the players dont deserve high salaries

How have women been discriminated in terms of their level of participation in sport?

get less salary in sport than men. less football coverage on t.v and less publicity in newspaper.

Who has the biggest salary in sport?

1. Tiger Woods 2. Phil Mickelson 3. Lebron James

In any major sport do the salaries of coaches and managers and other staff count toward the salary cap?
