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448.276 m/s^2

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Q: A baseball player exerts a Force of 65.0n to stop the ballif the baseball has a mass of 0.145kg what is the acceleration?
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How force is related to acceleration in relativity?

Einstein explored how force is related to acceleration in relativity. In general relativity, a force is a direct result of acceleration. For example, when one feels an acceleration or deceleration, they are actually feeling a force exerted on them. Under this reasoning, the force that an accelerating elevator exerts on your body is synonymous to the force that gravity exerts on your body.As for an equation, F=(γ3) ma

What does gravity exert?

Gravity exerts a force that pulls objects towards each other. This force is dependent on the masses of the objects and the distance between them.

Is acceleration due to gravity act on a body resting on a table zero?

Yes, when an object is resting on a table, the acceleration due to gravity acts vertically downward, but the table exerts an equal and opposite force (normal force) on the object in the upward direction, canceling out the effect of gravity. Therefore, the net acceleration on the body is zero.

How is newtons seconds law related to gravity?

Gravity exerts a force; the Second Law states that such a force will cause an acceleration, which can be calculated as:a = F/m (acceleration = force divided by mass).

How does the steepness of a ramp effect your acceleration?

The steeper the ramp, the greater the acceleration you will experience. This is because a steeper ramp exerts a stronger gravitational force on the object moving down it, causing it to accelerate more quickly.

How much force does Rudolf exert if he pulls a A kg sleigh with a constant acceleration of 2 M's?

The force Rudolf exerts can be calculated using Newton's second law, which states that force equals mass times acceleration. Therefore, the force Rudolf exerts will be F = ma = A2 = 2A Newtons.

Which exerts more gravitational force a baseball a football or a bowling ball?

The object with the most mass, as gravitational force is dependent on mass. Therefore the bowling ball exerts more gravitational force than a baseball or a football.

Why is the mass of an object same on the moon as it is on earth but the weight is different?

Mass is the amount of matter in an object. It does not change based on gravity. Weight is the force an object exerts 'downward' due to gravitational acceleration. Force = (mass)*(acceleration). Acceleration due to gravity is less on the Moon than on Earth.

Rudolph pulls a 50kg sleigh with a constant acceleration of 2ms2how much force does Rudolph exert?

The force Rudolph exerts is equal to the mass of the sleigh multiplied by the acceleration, which is 50kg * 2m/s^2 = 100N.

What is the acceleration from an amusement park ride if a student has a mass of seventy-five kilograms but exerts a force of 1250 Newtons against her seat?

16.7 m/s²

What happens if one object exerts a force on another?

If one object exerts a force on another, the second object will experience an acceleration in the direction of the force according to Newton's second law of motion. This acceleration could result in the second object moving, changing direction, or deforming depending on the magnitude and direction of the force.

A car has a mass of 1200 kg. What is its acceleration when the engine exerts a force of 600 N (Formula Fma)?

The acceleration of the car can be calculated using the formula F=ma, where F is the force applied (600 N) and m is the mass of the car (1200 kg). Rearranging the formula to solve for acceleration gives a = F/m. Therefore, the acceleration of the car is 0.5 m/s^2.