computer hiking is hiking
The past tense is hiked.
Well, honey, unless your computer suddenly sprouts legs and a backpack, I don't think you'll be hiking it anytime soon. But if you want to take your computer on a hike, just make sure it's in a sturdy backpack with proper padding to protect it from bumps and jolts along the way. And for heaven's sake, don't forget the trail mix!
go hiking go hiking
Where can i find hiking trails in Ontario
"Hiking" in German is "Wandern".
My Opinion: Who likes price hiking? Haha. i think price hiking is just obliviouse.
Phil Bloom has written: 'Hiking Indiana' -- subject(s): Trails, Hiking 'Hiking Indiana, 2nd (State Hiking)' 'Phil Bloom'
Parks are an example of the public good, since they are a resource that is available to the general public. Hiking is something that people can do in parks. But hiking is not a public good, it is something that individuals do for their own recreation. Hiking is not generally intended to help anyone other than the hiker. If you went hiking and also collected litter while hiking, for proper disposal after you finished hiking, that would be a way of using your hiking for the public good. Of course, a well managed park or hiking trail should have no litter anyway. But sometimes there is.
Randy Johnson has written: 'Hiking North Carolina' -- subject(s): Guidebooks, Hiking 'Hiking the Blue Ridge Parkway' -- subject(s): Guidebooks, Hiking 'The hiker's guide to Virginia' -- subject(s): Guidebooks, Hiking
Hiking will get you a very good workout for your legs when going uphill it doubles the amount of just hiking on flat ground.
Hiking is a combination of the words Hill + Walking.