The oldest person on record is Jeanne Calment of France (1875--1997), who died at age 122 years and 164 days. When she was 12 she met Vincent Van Gogh.
On average, an American woman will marry once and divorce twice by the age of 50.
The average weight of a New York woman is around 170 pounds. However, weight can vary greatly depending on factors such as height, age, and body composition.
The average age for women to enter menopause is around 51 years old. However, the age at which a woman goes through menopause can vary, with most women experiencing menopause between the ages of 45 and 55.
The average age of marriage varies globally. In many Western countries, the average age is around late 20s to early 30s. In some developing countries, it can be younger, particularly for women.
The average age at marriage for women in rural areas of the Philippines is around 22-24 years old. This can vary depending on factors such as access to education and cultural traditions.
The average age for a woman to get married in 1850 was about 16 to about 22 years old. The average age for a man was close to the same.
On average, an American woman will marry once and divorce twice by the age of 50.
The average age for first time mothers in Brazil is 21-22. The average age a woman marries in Brazil is age 22.5.
15 - 20 years.
between the ages of 67 and 73
Average IQ is defined to be 100 regardless of age.
A man lives for an average of 69.56 years while a woman lives for about 74.81 years.
Menopause can occur in an individuals 30s or 60s. However, the average age of a woman going through menopause is 51.4 years old.
it can be 18 to 30 average age of woman to marry.
The average weight for a woman is 60-72 kg depending on height and age.