No. The best-working grammatically correct form of your question is "How many people are at your home?" Also acceptable are "How many people are you at home with?" "How many people are at home with you?" "With how many people are you at home?" and "With whom are you at home?"
How many people in the world practice Buddhism?
As of 2021, an estimated 260,000 people live in Wolverhampton.
Lots of people
many people use it a day buckethead!
There are many players on the Philidelphia Phillies.
you should defientley park in the phillies parking lot. it might seem like a bad idea because so many people park in there but they have alot of the traffic people or whatever they are called so they get you out and in rather quickly
The Phillies have won 2 World Series: 1980 and 2008
It depends on how big the stadium is usally there is about 500 trillion people who visit it.Phillies suck balls
In 2009, the Philadelphia Phillies had a 93-69 record.
In 2006, the Philadelphia Phillies had an 85-77 record.
As of the 2014 season, the Philadelphia Phillies have 6 switch hitters.
The Phillies have won two World Series titles. 1980, and 2008.
In 2012, the Phillies allowed 178 home runs.
He played for three different teams. The reds,phillies and expos.