There really are no risks playing sports in regard to the skeletal system. Now if your referring to a contact sport than maybe you could get injured and hurt your spine or break and arm etc...
Freezing to death(risk of playing inside sports Dying faster and colder than freezing to death(Risk of playing outdoor sports.)
No, it is false. The environmental risks with depletion if stratospheric ozone are greater.
cause infection
This sounds like a paradoxical proposition; environmental risks are an ethical concern, so a person who is minimizing ethical concerns would not reduce environmental risks; you also have not defined what benefits you are talking about, although at a guess, you probably mean money. Lots of people have made money by minimizing ethical concerns, which is to say, by being completely ruthless and selfish. But this does not involve reducing environmental risks.
Certain Death
Yes, smoking is considered an environmental factor that can contribute to various health risks, including lung cancer, heart disease, and respiratory issues.
No playing an instrument is not considered a sport.
No there are not any enviromental risks of solar energy.
It is a relaxed sport if you are not playing competitively and just having fun with friends, but if you get into golf with money or tournament golf it is the most mentally and physically vigorous sport i have ever played,
you can chew gum when you play a sport. I played softball last I mean this summer and I chewd gum all the time and I'm still here. you can chew gum when you do a sport. you won't get hurt at all. Trust me you can I'm a pro at it and I have not choked yet. that's rubbish When you are playing a contact sport you are likely to get knocked and possibly chicke on the chewing gum so don't take a chance you could end up dead
Social, technological, economic, environmental, political, legal and ethical risks present in an enterprise environment. (that is to say, these are external risks)