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Lenin was not Russian,(he was part Mongol, Jew, Swede and German); lived for a large part of his life in Switzerland, was instrumental in starting the Revolution, and his real name was Vladimir Ilyich Ulyanov. Also, he wore spectacles part of the time.

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13y ago
  • He was the founding father of the Soviet Union
  • Born on April 22, 1870
  • he was a Russian Marxist
  • He worked as a lawyer for a few years before moving to St.Petersburg
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14y ago

Vladimir Ilyich Lenin was born April 22, 1870 in Simbirsk, Russian Empire. Lenin worked as a lawyer for a few years in Samara before he moved to St. Petersburg in 1893. Instead of pursuing a legal career he instead became involved in revolutionary Propaganda efforts and joined the Marxist group. He was arrested and when released was exiled to the village of Shushenskoye in Siberia. There he mingled with notable Marxist such as Georgy Plekhanov who intoduced socialism to Russia. He married Nadezhda Krupskaya a socialist activist during the month of July in 1898. In 1900 he began his travles throughout Russia and the rest of Europe . He was active in the RSDLP and in 1903 Bolshevik factions after splitting with the Mensheviks. The names referred to the narrow outvoting of the Mensheviks in the decision to limit party membership to revolutionary professionals, rather than including sympathizers. The division was inspired by Lenin's Pamphlet "What is to be Done?" that focused on his revolutionary strategy. This was said to be one of the most influential pamphlets in pre-revolutionary Russia

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9y ago

Leon Trotsky was the founder of the Red Army. He was the People's Commissar of Foreign Affairs of the RSFSR from 1917 to 1918. He was a Marxist and a revolutionary. Trotsky lived from 1879 to 1940 when he was assassinated.

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14y ago

Ten interesting things to know about Lenin are:

  1. He was born of Mongol, Jewish, Swedish and German ancestry, and ofter used the phrase "Russian idiots" to show his contempt for the Russian people in general.
  2. Lenin's real name was Vlasimir Ilyich Ulianov.
  3. Lenin's hated the Tsarist regime because his older brother had been executed in 1887 for his part in a failed attempt to assassinate Tsar Alexander III.
  4. Lenin studied law in Kazan University and actually practiced law for a brief time before becoming dedicated to overthrowing the lawful government.
  5. Lenin turned revolutionary, not because of Karl Marx, but more so after reading a novel called "What Is To Be Done" by Nikolai Chernyevsky and even tried to be like the hero of the story.
  6. Lenin adopted the name Lenin taken from the name of the Lena River after serving 3 years in exile in Siberia.
  7. On the train back to Russia right after the February Revolution, Lenin, a non-smoker, was so annoyed with all the smoking going on in the lavatory, that non-smokers got "first class" lavatory passes while the smokers got "second class passes.
  8. After overthrowing the Provisional Government by promising an end to Russia's involvement in World War 1, Lenin advocated continuing the war when the German army began marching toward him to overthrow his government.
  9. Lenin was almost assassinated in 1918, taking at least two bullets, one in his neck. Despite his condition, he made sure that the doctor treating him was a Bolshevik. The nearly successful assassin felt that Lenin had betrayed the communist revolution with his repressive ways.
  10. After the revolution Lenin wanted to be friendly with the United States of America more than any other nation, because it had more to teach and offer the Soviet Union than any other country.
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Vladimir Ilyich Ulyanov was the real name of the Russian revolutionary leader Vladimir Lenin. He adopted Lenin as his last name. Lenin was not a nickname. He was also referred to as Nikolai Lenin by close associates.

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Vladimir Lenin married to Nadezhda Krupskaya in 1898

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Vladimir Lenin married to Nadezhda Krupskaya in 1898

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Vladimir Lenin married to Nadezhda Krupskaya in 1898

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Vladimir Lenin died on January 21, 1924 at the age of 53.

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Yes, Vladimir Lenin married to Nadezhda Krupskaya in 1898

What year was Vladimir Ilych Lenin born in?

Vladimir Ilyich Lenin was born in 1870 (Originally born Vladimir Ilyich Ulyanov)