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Yes, they should. The prevention of this is a sexist matter and girls and boy should have equal rights.
Why they should play on the same teams:

  1. Boys and girls should be able to play on the same team because it could be considered a sexist matter you should not discriminate against anyone.
  2. Boys and girls have equal rights.
  3. It could help boys and girls to learn to work together as a team.

Why they shouldn't:

  1. Boys and girls don't have equal body strength. When boys hit puberty they gain muscle and fat that a girl might never gain. Our bodies are built different, that is why there are two different sign up sheets.
  2. Also there is sexual harassment that can occur. (But if this does happen tell the coach they'll get kicked off the team, don't let this ruin your chance at making a difference) :^)
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14y ago
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12y ago

Yes, Girls Should Be Good Players With Tom Connor's Year 10 Safety Bay Senior High School Malibu Road (He'll Like to play with them anyday) HAHAHAHAHAH.

Western Australia.

Come Find Him ;-D

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9y ago

Yes, because girls are just as strong, athletic, and sometimes faster than a lot of guys. Girls should have the option to join a guys athletic team such as boys Basketball or play Baseball instead of this idea

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Q: Should girls be able to play on the same sports team as boys why or why not?
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Why should girls and boys be able to do the same sports?

well they both should be able to because although boys may be stronger girls muscles and brains functions mature faster which makes the girls minds and boys strength about the same so they should be able to do same sports because its also good for them to interact with different genders.

Why girls should play on boys sports?

girls should play on boys sports teams because the thing that is stopping them is a gender matter.

Should girls be allowed to play guy sports?

should girls be allowed to play sports with boys. I think yes but then no because girls are good in sports but boys always have to make a big fuss that girls is not better than boys in sports so i say that boys should look back and realize what they say. On the other hand no because there is some girls they is too girly and bet boys that they can when sports but no they can not and also they can get hurt cause boys are tough too.

Should girls be able to play on male sports teams?

Yes but a deeper discussion would lead us straight to politics and womens rights But yes in all fairness girls should be able to play on sports teams with boys.

should Girls should play the same sports as boys?


Should girls play on boys sports teams?

it is not should girls can play but they can play

Should boys and girls have the same sports?


Why should girls be able to participate in full contact sports with boys?

so they can take showers together and make babys

Should boys and girls have equal sports teams?

Yes and no

Why should girls be able to play on the same sports teams?

they shouldn't because the boys will over power them and they might bee to rough

Why should girls not play on boys sports teams?

some boys are more rough and strong than girls

Why girls should not be able to play with boys in sports?

There is no reason why a girl shouldn't play with boys in sports. If she has the physical ability and wants to she should be able to try for a sport. According to the civil rights act under Title Nine she has the right to try out, play, and get scholarships. Women's sports also are to be funded the same as men.