Any list of key events of World War I will include the following: the 1914 Battle of the Marne during which the French and British just barely held back the first German offensives; the entry of the United States into the war in the spring of 1917; and the collapse of the Russian Empire in the fall of 1917. The Battle of Verdun in 1916 may also be listed as a key event for its symbolism of the war as a whole: its horrific cost led to no substantial movement of the front lines.
Austria declared war on Serbia, Russia declared war on Austria, Germany declared war on France, and then Great Britain declared war on Germany.
World War 2 and the Holocaust.
world war 3
some important events are Marge Simpsons hairdo, Homers donuts in a week.
they had a war
they distoed theberlen wall
the American civil war and the french ravolution
Numerous events occurred between 1857 to 1934. Some of the most important events were the Civil War, World War I, and the Great Depression in America.
one of the most important events in world war one is getting to gallipoli
the civil war
I think the Cold War happened in this year.
well here lets just say this is a ? you are kinda unable to answer.
Second world war