I bought a car and I cant get the title for it what to do
You cant put videos on to the sks because it wasnt meant to have video capablites like you cant upgrade it like the lx for video camera
We, as our feet are naturally soft because of wearing shoes all our lives, usually wear shoes to protect our feet from the ground. also shoes anrt that good cause u cant get blisters DON DON DON!
they cant
because thats how the game is or is because the car wasnt bought like that
Because you are blind i bought in the decoratkon catorgory
Because you probobally have a free account or you havn't bought it
It is Because U cant buy them their Because they are not in style but they are in other countries but just not in yours
they are loose because you need room to skate they cant be tight or else you wouldn't even be able to turn if you buy vans shoes though then they are sorta tight.
you cant
you cant
you cant