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Most likley because the plastic cage that holds your bearings in place is cracked. Try replacing your bearings.

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Q: Why is your longboard making a clicking sound?
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What would be wrong with a Honda XR80R 1997 if it was making a clicking sound?

Check the oil first, if oil is low it will run good but just have a constant clicking sound on idle.

Why is your BCM making a clicking noise?

A bad resistor can cause your BCM to make a clicking sound. The clicking noise can be caused by the relays and replacing the BCM will fix the problem.

Why is your 98 passat making a clicking sound from the front right when you turn and now has started clicking while coasting?

Look at the half shaft.

Why wont my traxxas slash move forward or backward without making a clicking sound?

because the gears are clicking on each other when they spin.

What causes a clicking noise in the shifting lever?

That is the neutral safety switch making the click sound.

What causes a clicking sound when turning right in your truck?

the clicking sound is the blinker. when you signal to turn with your blinker the light flashes and makes a clicking sound.

Which literary device is used in this sentence The loud clicking of the timer was making you dizzy?

This sentence uses onomatopoeia, a literary device where words sound like the noise they describe. The word "clicking" imitates the sound of the timer in this sentence.

Does the Nerf recon sound loud?

It's moderately loud, making clicking sounds when moving the loading mechanism, and sort of a "chuck" sound when shot.

What animal makes a clicking sound when defensive?

Animals use noises to communicate with each other. Some animals use noises as a defensive warning when threatened. One example is the opossum making a clicking sound to ward off predators.

Why do Saturn's have a clicking sound that is making the battery go died?

In my case I have a 1999 SL1 and the clicking sounds where the relays for the electric door locks. I removed them and I have not have the battery drained. I have not replaced them yet.

What could be wrong with your engine if it is making a clicking sound?

fan belt or lots of things but most likely fan belt