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Q: Why is the friction experienced by a skateboarder skating on grass to the friction experienced by a skateboarder skating on ice compare?
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How do you become a good skateboarder?

by skating everyday and never quit even if its hard

What is 1 example of low friction?

Ice skating is because you dont go fast and there is rarely any friction

Is there friction when you are are roller skating?

Yes- your body has friction with the air, and the wheels have friction with the floor.

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Hes just chillin... he hasn't been doing much skating lately

Is skateboarding one word?

Yes skateboard skateboarder skateboarding skater skating

Can you find things that have low friction?

ice skating

When is high friction not useful?

In engines - during ice skating.

What is an example of friction on an object?

Let us go for an answer that you may not have thought of shall we? If you were skating on ice and you built up speed then stopped skating, eventually you would stop. Why? because ice has friction though very little. This friction works on the friction on the blades of your skates bringing you to a stop.

When is friction useful when ice skating?

for slowing down, stopping etc

When coasting while roller skating you eventually stop why?

Friction and gravity.

Why do you skate faster on ice than on the street?

Skating on ice reduces friction as the skate blade glides more smoothly over the surface compared to the rougher pavement on the street. This lower friction allows for faster acceleration and higher speeds on the ice. Additionally, the lack of air resistance on ice contributes to the ability to skate faster compared to on the street.

Is there no friction when roller skating?

There is frictiion because your rubbing on the floor