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You can answer that question for yourself, but i guess because there are no limits to what you can do, and you don't have to be really good to have a good time

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Q: Why do many young people see skateboarding as a whole way of life?
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Is skateboarding considered a job?

basicly yes for example tony hawk and Ryan sheckler they skateboard as their job and they got money from it so yes skateboarding is considered a job but if your in high school its just a hobbie well to most people that is to some its their whole life.

How do you remain young whole life?

You cannot remain young your whole life. That is biologically impossible. Over the years, ones body physically and mentally will age. That is life, accept it. To look young, plastic surgery, but even that won't keep you looking young forever!

What can you do in real life with a ramp?

Skateboarding of course

How does skateboarding impact the life of a skater?

With Concrete

How does skateboarding make life easier?

well skateboarding doesn't really make life easier but it is really good exercise and get help you take out aggression when you are angry.

How does the life of young people differ from older people life's?

its different because young people has more years to live Lola

What is the best construction in skateboarding?

The Best Constructions in Skateboarding and Push constructions,Eternal Life constructions, and Uber Light constructions.

How did Rodney mullens skateboarding affect his life?

It made him a badass

Why do I feel like there is no hope and I am so young?

It is only part of maturing. When you're young, like a teenager, you feel like no one understands you. When you begin to mature, you start to see that you have your whole life ahead of you. You can do whatever you want in life, no matter what people tell you.

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No, Helen Keller was not mute her whole life. Despite being deaf and blind from a young age, she learned to communicate through sign language, tactile sign language, and speech. She became a renowned author, lecturer, and advocate for people with disabilities.

Is Miley Cyrus a vergion?

Yes Miley wouldn't have sex this young. She is a Christian young girl. She has a whole life ahead of her and she wont ruin it by getting pregnant this young.

How do you become a successful skateboarder?

There is no guarantee of success in skateborading or in anything else in life. You take your chances.To be a successfull skateboarder have fun. If you are having fun that is a huge success. Progress and learn new things dont quit this will make you a successfull skater. Make what people see from you while you are skating positive. Make sure you are making skateboarding look good not bad. Do anything you can to help out skateboarding teach young skaters this a huge success.