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Q: Why are your scooter bars stiff how can i make them smooth?
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Why are my slamm scooter bars stiff you want to make them smooth like your mates handelbars?

loosen the headset

How you make your scooter bars longer?

you extend them

How can you cut a scooter 1 piece bars down at home?

measure the length you want make a mark (usually a scratch) where you will cut, cut and when the cutting is done, file the rigid parts of the cut then when its all smooth cut a slit about a half inch on the cut part corresponding to the bars

Where do headsets go on a scooter?

a head set is between the fork and the head tube to make the bars spin

How do you make a kick scooter better?

buy new wheels,one piece bars and evenn get a bolt set to make it even more durable

How can you put lock on grips on a scooter?

Get the size of alen key needed and untighten the grips then put them on the handle bars and then make them as tight as you can

Do blazer pro y bars fit on your Grit extremist scooter?

yes they do fit but you also have to make sure you have the right clamp.

How do you make your Razor Scooter better?

Go to Inward Scooters and buy there bolting system! That will stop the wobbling. But be careful bolting your deck will stop you from folding the scooter. Then get metal core wheels and nicer bearings. finally the headset and bars. get new 1 piece bars. and with the headset. get an fsa threadless headset or get a threadless envy headset! hope this really helped!

Can you shorten madd gear pro team edition handle bars?

you can shorten any scooter bars - but you need a saw. you just work out your length and cut of the bottom - make sure u put 2 slits in though or the bar will snap!

Are the stiff dylans gay?

of course stiff dylans are gay.It does not make a difference if they are stiff or not.

How do you put a grit elite 2 scooter together?

P.S, this does not only work for just for this scooter given, but also works for many other similar scooters!you get the forks and put the stick ring both on the top and bottom of the forks in the circular gaps then put the headset rings on the bottom.then insert the forks through the deck and slot the headset onto the forks.then loosen the clamp on the clamp on the bars if it it is already a bit to tight to push the clamp to the top of your bars.tighten the clamp, BUT NOT TOO MUCH BECAUSE IT IS ONLY TEMPORARY.make sure that you will be able to slide the clamp back down afterwards because you are only doing this to make it easier so don't screw the clamp on too tight... YET.Once you've done this, if you have an ICS Compression System on your scooter, there should be a small bolt between the top of your forks and the wheel.first, take the plastic cover-like protection thing off of the screw. push that bolt up and then slot the bars on top of the forks.this is the hardest bit because you have to make the bolt screw perfectly into the hole in the middle of the bars.Note: the previous step may take several attemptsonce you've finally fitted the screw from the forks into your bars tighten can tighten it by either: Getting a small wrench and tightening the bolt. OR... Hold the forks and wheels between your feet so they can't move and tighten your bars by twirling them in a clockwise directiononce you have succeeded to do all of this, try and spin your deck around to see how stiff/loose it is.if you want the deck to spin faster, loosen the bars a bit, BUT.. if you want the deck to spin slightly slower, tighten the bars a bitonce you've done this, do a drop test (where you drop the scooter from about 2cm high off the floor to see how stable the compression system is) and see if the compression works. if it does not seem to work, you have either left the screw too loose or the bolt is not in the bars properly.once you have checked everything, undo the clamp and slide it down (make sure your bars are straight) and tighten the clamp quite stiff so everything on your scooter is inline.Thank You For Reading =)gimme some positive feedback plz

Can you make soft foam stiff again?

No, it is not possible to make soft foam stiff again.