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Q: Why are the tops of skateboards covered with sandpaper like surface?
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Is sharks skin soft like humans skin?

No. A shark's skin is tough, and has a surface rather like sandpaper. In fact, the Native Americans used to use it for sandpaper.

What makes glaciers act like giant sandpaper?

The rocks and pebbles embedded in the ice. When these rocks and pebbles are on the bottom surface of the glacier they are dragged over the surface of the ground, cutting into it (whether it is soil or hard bedrock) cutting grooves in and polishing that surface. Much like the grit glued to sandpaper does to a surface it is rubbed against.

Examples of high friction?

Example of high friction is a really rough surface like sandpaper.

How does a sandpaper feels?

Sandpaper feels rough, abrasive, and textured due to the grit particles embedded in its surface. It's used for smoothing and shaping materials like wood, metal, or paint by wearing away small amounts of the surface.

Why is there so much friction in sandpaper?

Sandpaper has a rough surface with abrasive particles like aluminum oxide or silicon carbide. When rubbed against a surface, these particles create friction due to the roughness, which helps to remove material from the surface being worked on. Additionally, the friction generated by the sandpaper is essential for the sanding process to be effective in smoothing or shaping surfaces.

Where can one purchase Zero skateboards?

Zero skateboards can be purchased at Zero Skateboards, Warehouse Skateboards, Zumiez, Zero Skateboards Sale, and online retailers like Amazon and eBay.

How does sandpaper slow thing down?

All materials have a property called the coeffecient of kinetic friction. When this property is high, a higher friction force resists the motion of objects across the surface. Sandpaper has a higher coefficient of kinetic friction as compared to something like ice. This is because ice is smooth whereas the surface of sandpaper is very rough which increases the friction it causes.

What surfaces create most friction?

Rough surfaces with high levels of texture create the most friction. This includes surfaces like sandpaper, concrete, and surfaces covered in gravel or rocks. The greater the roughness and irregularity of the surface, the more friction is generated when objects slide against it.

Why are cats tongues just like sandpaper?

Cats' tongues are bristly and sandpapery because they use their tongues to clean and groom their fur. The rough surface brushes the fur, sort of like a hairbrush, and helps remove the loose, dead hairs.

Are stiff skateboards better than bendy skateboards?

Not necessarily its more a personal preference. the longer you skateboard the better you get to know how thick, how wide, and what material you like your skateboards to be.

Why beach pebblles are so smooth?

Over time, the sand and water at a beach both work together like a sandpaper to smooth out the surface of these pebbles.

Where can Enjoy skateboards be bought?

Enjoi skateboards are a popular brand for both amateur and professional skateboarders. They can be purchased directly from the Enjoi website and distributors like Warehouse Skateboards and Amazon.