Materials In Order To Build A SkateBoard:
- The Deck
- Trucks
- Wheels
- Bearings (Inside The Wheels)
- Bushings (Included With Trucks)
- Hardware (Screws)
- Riser Pads (Go Underneath the base of the trucks for additional height; optional)
- Grip Tape
Note: If you are looking to make your own skateboard with your own design visit where you can customize boards with your own designs and or logo or some already designed.
Skateboards have been made out of many materials of the years, including fiberglass, plastic, composite plastic materials, aluminum, metal alloys, wood, and wood combinations. The reason that wood has remained the material of choice has to do with a couple primary reasons.
One: Wood is the most cost effective resource available. Skateboards wear out in the normal process of riding and doing tricks, learning, progressing, and everything that comes with it. Other materials have been used to make skateboards lighter, stiffer, and some say stronger, but the end result is usually a higher cost. The benefits do not outweigh the detriments, and since they do not last longer than a wood board, making them out of a more expensive material doesn't make sense.
Two: The feel of wood as tricks are performed is noteable better and more consistent than most other materials. Wood also tends to last longer with the same pop than other easily made materials. People have been working on boards made out of other materials for a long time, but nothing replaces the feel and comfort of a wood board.
It is worth noting that several well-established board companies have had recent success with boards that are made of wood with fiberglass laminates as one or two of the seven layers pressed into their boards, and there are other construction systems which currently employ other materials for strength, stiffness ("pop") and durability. But even in these cases the primary material used is still wood.
skateboards are mostly made from Wood or fiberglass
carbon fiber and ply wood
Cool Girl Decks are skateboards that are American Made. Using American wood and assembled in the United States of America. Cool Girl Skateboards are a US Product.
mainly maple, sometimes cedar.
Skateboards used to be made of wood and were only played with by royalty.
Skateboards are made out of ply's of wood stacked on top of each other most skateboards are either 6 7 or 8 ply boards and to hold those ply's together they use glue.
Skateboards are typically made of multiple layers of maple wood that are glued together to create a strong and flexible deck. Maple is a popular choice for skateboard decks due to its durability and ability to withstand the high impact and stress of skateboarding tricks.
I think they made a couple of skateboards, but they haven't made many.
no not really because birch is a rather soft wood and would snap easily, maple, which is the most common wood for making skateboards is much stronger.
ATM skateboards are manufactured in Oceanside Ca
Yes, they are. Alien Workshop and Habitat skateboards are made by DNA distribution which means they use the same wood and what-not.
their good boards for kids/beginners