jaydison lee cathers you can find him on facebook if u like add me on facebook
Thomas Wlesh filed the first patent in 1958, but did not invent the skateboard. No one knows WHO actually invented it, but one thing did happen in the surf town of Coronado California, in 1957.
A surfer named John Pickens attached a small piece of quarter round to the rear edge of his steel wheel board. This gave the rider more control, and we were all able to do wheelies, jump curbs, and spinning 360's...
It was then that a sport was born, and change was inevitable with all comers...
the z-boys
it was invented in 1997
The one who wants to invent the skateboard rocket is starwish5.
The skateboard was originally designed as a way to practice surfing outsite of the water.
My guess is that it was invented somewere in California or in Florida. The skateboard was invented at sometime,but nobody know who exactly made it. It was basicly origanated. Some person at a time made a skateboard and another person copied,and it went on and on like dominos.
Me you dumb jackass
The shape of a longboard was invented before but the trucks and wheels were small like those of a skateboard. Early boards didn't have pop.
the first wax was a candle
over 9000
Several people have claimed to have invented the skateboard first, but nothing can be proved, and skateboarding remains a strange spontaneous creation.
Lots of people have claimed to have invented it, but none of them can be proved.