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In sporting activities that involve boards(Skateboards, snowboards, wakeboards, wake skates, snowskates, etc..); you have one foot forward, one foot back.

If your right foot is forward its called Goofy.

If your left foot is forward its called Regular.

A few different ways to determine which foot you have forward is * Put on slippery socks and run and slide on your kitchen floor, look to see which foot is forward. * Run and slide on ice, look to see which foot you have forward. * Which foot do you take the first stair step with? * Which foot do you kick a soccer ball with? After you decide which foot you like forward when you are on a board, and you decide to go backwards that would be called switch.

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βˆ™ 15y ago
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βˆ™ 17y ago

Nothing. There are many riders, mostly park riders, who learn how to ride both ways, its the only way to get better in the park. Whatever you started off learning is regarded as your normal stance, whether it be reg or goofy, and when you ride the other way its called switch. It helps you land tricks like 180s/540s and allows you to increase the difficulty of your trick when you ride up to a rail/jump switch.

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βˆ™ 12y ago

Goofy-footed and regular-footed, or just goofy and regular in the current vernacular, refer to the stance that a skateboarder, surfer, snowboarder, wakeboarder, or skimboarder stands on his board. Goofy-footed means right foot forward. Regular-footed means left foot forward. It is believed and largely accepted, although difficult to determine exactly, that in an early 1960's cartoon, the Disney character "Goofy" is seen Surfing with his right foot at the front of the board, his left foot at the back of the board, and that this is the origin of the name "goofy-footed."

A good way to determine your natural stance is to determine your dominant foot/leg. Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart, relaxed, and have a friend gently push you in the upper back, above your shoulder blades. Whichever foot you naturally recover from the push with is considered your dominant foot, and odds are that will be the foot you put at the front of your board. Note that this is different than your foot you naturally kick a ball with, which is more related your hands and being right or left handed.

In Skateboarding, stance is, for the most part irrelevant, as far as one stance having an advantage over the other. There are some skate spots that may favor once stance, but these are probably mixed about 50-50, so overall, the spots that skaters tend to hit don't favor once stance. It's interesting to note that a recent informal study of professional skateboarders revealed that about 54% are regular-footed, 46% are goofy-footed.

In surfing, your natural stance determines which surf breaks are going to be hit backside or frontside -- in other words, with your back to the wave or your front to the wave -- and so stance is considered important to surfers. More than one regular-footed professional surfer has made references about wishing they were goofy-footed, since more of the world's breaks favor goofy-footers.

Skimboarding stance advantage might be determined by the beach break, but since, for the most part, the shorebreak breaks straight-ahead, this is less important that a wave breaking for a surfer.

In Snowboarding, because the mountain features change with the snow and terrain, there is not a strong advantage across the board for one stance.

Wakeboarding is done behind a boat or tow rope and doesn't seem to favor once stance or the other.

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βˆ™ 10y ago

Yes but no.

No - when you ride you pick your lead foot to be in the front so if I picked my left I would be regular and my right foot would be in the back so when I'm riding my left foot would be up by the nose of the board and when I turn 180* I would be riding with my back foot forward but it would be called switch and I would be riding with the tail going forward. So not exactly it basically you are riding both ways just when you turn to the other side it would be called switch riding.

Yes - if you switch out your bindings to face the other way you can ride the other way but you can't switch quickly unless if you flip it would just be called switch riding.

Hope this helped and made sense!!

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βˆ™ 14y ago

regular is when your left foot is facing the nose[which is the front of the board]and goofy is when your right foot is facing the nose

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βˆ™ 15y ago

for the same reason there are righties and leftys. to do what ever is natural for your body

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βˆ™ 14y ago

goofy is your right foot forward and left foot back

regular is your left foot forward and right foot back

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βˆ™ 7y ago

Goofy is a acting of a crazy and silly way and regular is orginal acting of someone

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βˆ™ 14y ago


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