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Q: Where to find Canadian maple wood?
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Is Canadian maple wood strong?

Yes. Canadian maple wood is heavy and strong. People use for wood floors and to make skateboards and longboards.

Where can you get Canadian Rock Maple wood from?

Lumber yard

What type of wood is a skateboarding deck made out of?

90% of skateboard are made out of Canadian Maple.

What kind of wood are skateboards made of?

This is very good question. Usually the wooden decks are made out of maple, but story doesn't end there. The best wood material for decks is Canadian Rock Maple, but only few manufacturers make them. If the top layer of deck is stained in color you can be 90% sure sure, that it's regular maple, if maple at all, and the deck will wear out much faster then Canadian maple. I know that Element, Almost, Reinbe and Baker uses high quality Canadian maple, that will long last and provide much greater pop then usual maple or other wood.

What deck is better Chinese maple or Canadian Maple?


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What kind of wood is a skate made of?

Skateboards are typically made of multiple layers of maple wood that are glued together to create a strong and flexible deck. Maple is a popular choice for skateboard decks due to its durability and ability to withstand the high impact and stress of skateboarding tricks.

What wood is used to make skate boards?

The most common materials are Canadian Maple Veneer, Baltic Birch Plywood and Bamboo

How many maple leaves are on the Canadian flag?

There is only 1 maple leaf on a canadian flag.

Whst is the Name of the Canadian flag?

The name of the Canadian flag is The Maple Leaf. :)

What type of wood is maple tree wood?

Maple. I know, dumb answer. It would be a hard wood.

Can you get maple syrup from the Japanese maple tree?

No the species used is the Canadian Maple.