Skateboard helmets were never really invented for the purpose of just Skateboarding. The first skateboarding helmets were rudimentary hockey helmets, made by companies like Cooper and Norcon, because there were no helmets made for skateboarding, and these were light and relatively inexpensive.
The first helmets made for skaters were probably the Flyaway helmets in the late 1970s.
Around this same time, other brands started marketing their existing safety helmets, which could be used for bikes, hockey, hanggliding, or any other activity, directly to skateboarders. Very few companies have made specific safety changes geared at skateboarding during this time. Protec has been the leader in sales of skateboarding helmets, and their design and materials have stayed largely the same over the last thirty years, with only minor tweaks.
Several other companies have entered the market, but have not been able to gain a large enough share of the business to maintain longevity. Since skaters, for better or worse, care as much or more about appearance as they do about safety, this trend seems likely to continue.
No there is not any helmets made out of reyceld gargabe!
it was invented in 1997
Different kinds of plastic usually. A harder shell, then a softer liner.
The one who wants to invent the skateboard rocket is starwish5.
The skateboard was originally designed as a way to practice surfing outsite of the water.
Yes if you don't you could fall and crack your head open and go to the hospital!
My guess is that it was invented somewere in California or in Florida. The skateboard was invented at sometime,but nobody know who exactly made it. It was basicly origanated. Some person at a time made a skateboard and another person copied,and it went on and on like dominos.
Me you dumb jackass
Auto darkening welding helmets were invented by a Swedish manufacturer known as Hornell. One can purchase auto darkening welding helmets at popular on the web sources such as Miller Welds.
The shape of a longboard was invented before but the trucks and wheels were small like those of a skateboard. Early boards didn't have pop.