fgm34jfioc;vm;le;.fbgkl;vc,;vlmkerpfoj31poxek `ri3pof dkvmckq fpe qodpfcfwebcjkbehiercfvwejknxjlcsnskskwjdjfjhbvhjkfwsv
Their not. Their about the same. Element and Enjoi are my top favs.
you can get enjoi boards at most skate shops. have you tried looking online. i think rollersnakes have a few in stock "www.rollersnakes.co.uk"
Enjoi as in the skateboarding brand? If so, then definitely not.
Enjoi is better than toy machine Ik Enjoi is more durable than toy machine, but I prefer toy machine, cuz they r light nd hav good concave.
YES Tech Deck (Spin Master) has been making Enjoi finger boards since 2011
yes it has pop
10HZ. Enjoi!
Matt Eversol