It helps my making u run and stuff and to swing the racket to hit the ball many ask a gym coach
Some of the components of fitness in rounders are: Speed. Agility. Co-ordination. Muscular endurance and Reaction time.
Rounders is a sport that requires physical fitness, agility, hand-eye coordination, and teamwork. Players need to have good running speed, throwing accuracy, and batting skills. Additionally, understanding the rules and strategies of the game is essential for success in rounders.
you need agility in tennis trampolining ect
Gymnasts do need agility because the need to be strong on order to do their techniques.
its not
If you want to get around your defender you'll need to use AGILITY to do that. If you want stay with your opponent when your on defense, you'll need agility to stay with him
Yes. How much agility you need, though, depends on what position you want to play in.
good finess
you need a -ball -bat -posts
Speed, flexibility strength power balance reaction time agility aerobic endurance muscular endurance co ordination body compostition