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that is becasue you have butter on your fingers that is probably why

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Q: When I ollie on a teck deck my fingers don't stay on the board but it goes up like 2 inchesAm I doing it right?
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Help when you Ollie on a Tech Deck it always slips out of your fingers and goes flying?

my friend says that you can put your pinky under the board for a good ollie

How do you do tricks on a techdeck?

To heel flip: start by doing an Ollie and slide your fingers off the high point of the tech deck and it flips away from u. To kick flip start by doing an Ollie and while in the air move your hand toward u and it Filip's to u. good bye hope i helped

What is the difference between an ollie and a fakie ollie?

An ollie is when you pop off the tail of your board in your normal riding stance while going forwards. A fakie ollie is when you pop off the nose of your board in your switch stance while going forwards. All in all its the same trick except that with a fakie ollie you are doing an ollie but instead of going forwards you are going backwards. I hope this helps

How do you cheat an ollie?

glue stick your fingers to the tech deck and do an easy ollie

How do you do an ollie on Tech Deck?

dont listen when they say u have to slide up ur fingers its too hardi pull back hard then pop and push hard forward but if u can only get spin and not land try practicing just having fingers on tape when u pop put fingers in normal position follow my directions and ull have it

If you are doing ollie you are doing what?

Either a skateboard trick, or a girl named Ollie ;)

I can ollie on a ripstik but I cant get my back wheel off the ground. Am i doing something wrong or is it just the properties of the ripstik?

your not doing a ollie now are you but just slide your frontfoot and raise your BACKFOOT that's how youll get it off the ground and the ripstik is a fancy cruze board and fancy long board its just to ride around

I am trying to do an ollie on a Tech Deck and the board just won't go in the air Is it the grip on the board or me?

right you need to pop then throw your hand forward if u are doing that it is the grip

How do you get a Tech Deck to jump?

the end and move your hand to land it. It's hard if you're a beginner. Don't search on youtube, ask a friend to show you how. Well anyway you have to put your fingers on the board as the guy above me said. Then, pop the board as hard as you can (popping the board means doing a wheely.) and puh the board off the ground. The board will soar through the air, but your hand will slam it down. That's how you do a jump/ollie. :) Happy to help.

What is pop in skateboarding?

when you hit the back of the board how high it goes

Who was the inventor of skate board?

allan ollie gelfand

Why Can't I do an Ollie is it the board it is a united skates but I am sure I am doing everything right?

Depends if your board is worn down with barely with no nose or tail then it just wont happen make sure you pop and slide your foot up to the nose of the board