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Q: What type of music do emos listen to?
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What type of music do emos listen to yell?

Cause is racks music artist who yell at it again people yell at music

Is emo music popular?

it is not the most popular music like some, but many teenagers listen to it, well emos anyway

How do you know if you an emo?

if you wear all black and you listen to depressing music, not all emos cut

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What type of music sells more rap or rock?

Rock, because Rock music is more popular and it has been around longer than Rap music say rock because for starts most adults like rock for two its 50/50 for teens for 3 and yes i do consider metal and screamo a type of rock sceamo is killing rap and emos are taking over and most emos listen to screamo so there you go

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Every type of music.

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what type of music does the island of haiti listen to? kompa music ,kompa music iiis dance music and jazz

Where is there a website were you can listen to music?

You can listen to almost any type of music at

What type of music Jamacans listen to?

They listen to reggae

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In generally pop music we listen

What type of music do Bolivians listen to?

spongebob music

What type of music do they listen to in Venezuela?

the music of Columbia