Skateboard ride on the recorder
I can imagine that if it can crawl up on the skateboard and hit the ground or a surrounding then it can ride a skateboard.
it depends on if you ride goofy or regular
74 miles an hour, Danny way and rob derdek did it
Mike Ternasky Danny Way Colin Mckay
It depends on how old it is
look up on youtube Danny way jumps the great wall.
there was no such thing as a skateboard in the 1800s
no you do not really need to be educated to ride a skateboard. all you really need to know about the skateboard is how to ride it and do tricks and have good enough balance
a penny is the original so thats what you should buy because its way funner to ride and you cud keep it in your locker
It means "to skateboard" in spanish (to ride a skateboard)