Many decks are made by the same manufacteurer. For example: Almost, enjoi, and darkstar are all made by the same wood supplier. The amount of pop in decks is all about preference. I like dgk decks for their crisp stiff pop. Girl boards are good at first but quickly become flimsy and lose their pop fast. almost boards chip very easily.
yes it has pop
the better the pop on a skateboard deck, the higher you will go when you ollie, kickflip or do any flip trick :)
most of the time there is no design on the bottom of a skimboard
Zoo York
zero and planb
The standard deck usually has 7 plys of veneer. Most companies also cross ply the grain on the veneer so it gets more pop
new P2 boards
A tech deck is a miniature skateboard.
almost uber light, lightest deck ever, $100