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You need the hold it properly, and let your index finger (with whatever hand your throwing the discus in) touch the discus last. You need to say to yourself, 'I am going to win!' aswell! :)

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12y ago
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15y ago

your deltoids are mainly used to throw the javelinif you dont know what deltoids are they are your shoulders

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14y ago

Many muscles are used to throw a discus. The quads are used for power and stability, the abs are used for turning and gaining power, the muscles in the arm are used during the actual throw.

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lying in the same straight line:)

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All muscles

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Q: What muscles are used in discus throwing?
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What sport was a discus thrower used in?

Believe it or not, it is called discus throwing.

How do you generate power when throwing a discus?

Generating power in discus throwing involves rotating the body while transferring weight from the back foot to the front foot in a smooth and coordinated motion. This generates torque which is then transferred through the arms and into the discus upon release. Additionally, the athlete must engage core muscles, legs, and shoulder muscles to create power in the throw.

What does discus game consist of in Sparta?

throwing a discus?

What muscles are being used when throwing?

skeletal muscles.

What are the four olympic throwing events?

shot hammer discus Javelin

What makes a discus shoe different than regular shoes?

The discus shoe is different from regular shoes because discus shoes are used in a sports event (throwing the discus obviously). However, regular shoes are used for walking, running, sprinting, etc.

What muscles are used in discus?

biceps, pectorals n deltoids ! :D

Muscles that are used when throwing?

Your arm

Explain muscles used in throwing a football?

Shoulder muscles are used when throwing a football. They give the arm support and are needed during the actual throw. In the throwing motion the triceps and biceps are used. The core muscles are used to help the thrower stay balanced.

Do you need throwing shoes for Discus?

Not throwing shoes but maby running shoes.

What are the muscles used when throwing a football?


What is a flattish ring for throwing at a mark that is not a discus?
