Paint pens work the best. They are available at almost any crafts or art supply store and come in a wide variety of colors. There are two downfalls: one, these pens are a bit expensive, and to get a full array of colors can get pricey. Two, the paint can get think and clog your grip tape. If you go through boards fast, this won't matter, but if you want your grip to last you a long time, the paint may inhibit that.
Silver and gold sharpies also work pretty well, but take care to use them lightly or the tip will shred pretty quickly.
I've also seen light-colored chalk applied to grip, then covered with clear enamel spray to protect and preserve it. There aren't a lot of people doing chalk art, so this stuff stands out and if the art is cool, it's a sure head-turner.
Another alternative, depending on how creative you are: make stencils and use very light spray paint to decorate your grip. If you've seen Mouse or Spunk's work, or Jason Adams' stencil work, you may get some good ideas on multi-layer/multi-color stencils.
Grizzly Griptape
Coloring markers
It depends on what kind of board.
Airwalk is the best skateboarding shoes and skateboards.
There is no specific type of board for a boy or girl. The only thing that matters is that it has good pop, concave, and wood type. No Wal-Mart skateboards!
an inclined boared or long board
a Complete Skateboard is a fully assembled deck, wheels, trucks and grip-tape ready to for you to skate. Often, complete skateboards (called "completes") have most of their parts from one brand, and there are a lot of good quality completes out there. There are a lot of brands, shapes and sizes of complete skateboards available on the market. Knowing which one to buy could overwhelm you to the point of giving up! The key points to establish before going shopping, is to make a discussion on what kind of skateboard you are after: A classic skateboard, a long-board or a street/vert board. Here, I will try to explain and help you in finding what kind of skateboard you after and what skateboard brands are out there. Good Luck!
they are markers
The skateboard doesn't do anything to turn. What makes it turn is the trucks and to make turning more responsive you need to loosen the trucks with a special kind of tool. it depends what truck you have you can loosen them with pliyers or an Allen key it depends what trucks you have if there cheap they wont turn lol
It's a type of thin lacquer.