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The relationship between math a Skateboarding is that some of the tricks use degrees to calculate the angle of the board. Ex: A 360 pop-shuvit twists all the way around before landing it. ----

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16y ago
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13y ago

If your a skateboarder that is also smart like me, then you will know this, math has alot to do with skateboarding, it's simple physics.

And the harder the tricks the more complicated the physics get.

Ex. If you ride towards a curb, and your thinking about doing a 360 flip, you just need the right height and speed, and your footing is the key component.

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13y ago

I suppose, if you want to get all technical with it.

You can measure how much you want to turn 180 degrees, 360 degrees. Or how much you want you kick flip to turn in case you want to turn it into a late flip. Watch some of Rodney Mullen's clips.

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15y ago

Because skateboarding is a science. no one see's the math behind it. its like physics, all the balancing, and tricks, if you've seen the movie Ice Princess on Disney Channel you can understand better. what goes up must come down, the flips have angles and much much more!

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16y ago

What do you mean?

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