The relationship between math a Skateboarding is that some of the tricks use degrees to calculate the angle of the board. Ex: A 360 pop-shuvit twists all the way around before landing it. ----
If your a skateboarder that is also smart like me, then you will know this, math has alot to do with skateboarding, it's simple physics.
And the harder the tricks the more complicated the physics get.
Ex. If you ride towards a curb, and your thinking about doing a 360 flip, you just need the right height and speed, and your footing is the key component.
Because skateboarding is a science. no one see's the math behind it. its like physics, all the balancing, and tricks, if you've seen the movie Ice Princess on Disney Channel you can understand better. what goes up must come down, the flips have angles and much much more!
A math expression is a collection of math terms
none, silly.
in math and arthmetic
A mapping is a relationship between two sets.
In order to do science you need math. In order to do math you need to know science.
A math expression is a symbol or combination of symbols that represents a quantity or a relationship between quantities.
Mathematics is used in all the sciences.
Statistic use mathematics to show relation of sets of datas.
To solve math problems you must use reasoning. Some types of reasoning has nothing to do with math.
symetry is part of math, based on angles and numbers
There are used to encapsulate a relationship between two or more variables.
the differences between bmxing and skateboarding, are that bmxing is done using a bike, like extreme bike riding. skateboarding is done on a board the consists of 4 wheels. the similarities are that you can preform ticks on either one.