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the name of the game cold rope is jumping rope

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Q: What is the name of the game called rope?
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A cowboys rope is often called a lariat.

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What is the name of the rope military wear on funeral honors?

it is called A TOOPER ROPE

What is name of the rope tool that cow- boys use to catch a cow?

The rope is called a Lariat.

Is there a Pikachu game online where he is tied up and you can do what you want with him?

yes there is a game called pikachu rope where can i find the game?

What is the game called where you chop a string with a sweet on it and a monster eats it?

Cut the rope

What is the name of the rope you use to hang people?

A rope or noose it scares me that you want to know this though

What is a metal rope called?

A metal rope is also called a wire rope.

What was the name of the game popular In 1982 we played with a large elastic rope where two people on each end put the rope around their ankles and the third person jumped in the middle?

The game you are referring to is called "Chinese jump rope." It is a traditional playground game that involves a long elastic rope looped around the ankles of two players, while a third player jumps over and performs various patterns and sequences. The game requires coordination, agility, and teamwork among the players to successfully complete the challenges presented by the elastic rope. It was a popular game among children in the 1980s and continues to be enjoyed by many today.

What is the name of the wave of the rope in science?

The wave produced in a rope is called a transverse wave. This type of wave causes the particles in the rope to move perpendicular to the direction of the wave's propagation.

What is the name of the line or rope that is used to control the main sail?

The line or rope that is used to control the main sail is called the Halyard, and this name is derived from the phrase "Haul the Yard".

What is front door?

'Front Door Suzie' is a jump rope game. There is also a similar game called 'Back Door Suzie' where you have to jump in from the other side, with the rope coming towards you from the bottom. (Thanks to for the answer.)