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Street Skateboarding is a large category that includes basically any skating thats not at a skatepark. Hesh skaters are usually good street skaters that also shred hard in a bowl. A hesh skater also generally has a certain appearance. Old, ripped clothes, shirts with band names on them, High socks or no socks, mesh trucker hats or beanies, hoods, skating vans, Independent or ace trucks(loose), ect. Usually if one tries to "become" hesh, it doesn't work out and they look like an idiot so I suggest you don't try.

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What is the difference between drdre studio headphones and the solo headphones?

Studio goes over the ear and solo's are an on ear head phone. If I were you get the studio, they cost much more, cover the ear, but the solo headphones sound the same as skullcandy hesh, and cost 130$ hesh cost 50$. the studio look better sound better and you can return them if you don't like them. If you get the solos you should be ashamed because the skullcandy hesh sound identical. The studio versions are meant to be worn comfortably longer and offer a wider and more clearer range of music frequency.

Should you get skullcandy Hesh G.I or skullcrushers?

Get the damn Hesh! Hesh FTW! Hesh have mini subwoofers in them. And don't break easily, compared to G.I And SkullCrushers. Actually, you are completely wrong. The Skullcrushers have the mini subwoofers, in them. The Hesh have volume controls but are the lowest line of over ear headphones that Skullcandy has. The G.I. also have volume control and are a giant step up from the Hesh. Same price as the Skullcrushers so its up to you. Mini subwoofers and great sound or volume control and very good sound. Actually, The Lowriders are the lowest line Skullcandy has to offer. I've had mine for about three years and my dog finally broke them and they were pretty good only the bass wasn't great and they weren't as loud on my ipod as I would've liked them to be...but I just ordered the HESH and from the reviews, It looks like the HESH and SkullCrushers are both a good way to go, depending on your personal preferences...=]

Do skullcandy hesh headphones fit an iPod?

Yes !

Do skullcandy's hesh headphones work on the plane?


How radioactive is einsteinium?

it is just radioactive ok hesh people

Which is better the Skullcandy Hesh 2 or the Skullcandy Crusher?

I have tried both and they are great headphones. If you are looking for bass and good sound, get crushers. If looking for a choice of color and are on a budget, get Hesh 2

Is the the rock the new gm of raw?

No he is not he will be back this summer. In the mean time Stone cold is the GM and is trying to hire upp and coming start Hesh the fresh add him on face book HESH

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You, Hesh, Merrick, Keegan and the rest of the team.

How do you say math in Hebrew?

Math in Hebrew is Hesh-bon (חשבון).

How loud does skullcandy hesh go?

They are the loudest skullcany's you can get iv'e heard.