To be honest, "Revert Skate Wax" Is by far the best wax. It is great for curbs, rails, and ledges. You can buy on
Burton is the best jacket by far. I have tried sooooooooo many Snowboarding jackets and Burton looks the best and is the best material.
skate wax is less mesy than candle wax
skate wax is wax that helps you grind. you can use a candle VOODOO 13: The ^ above is correct, skate wax helps you grind but also tail and nose as well. Also, keep in mind that the wax is made to rub on curbs, rails and stairs to make them slick and smooth. A candle may-or-may not be a thick enough wax to lay down on some of these surfaces. Many skatebord companies sell the wax blocks now pretty cheap. Note: Surf wax is NOT the same thing as Skate wax. So don't waste your money on Mr. Zogg's.
Soft wax is better, for it molds to the shape of the rail. Not too soft though. and hard wax will take for ever to start get the rail slippy
for me, the best no skate zone is the matrix plaza. its got alot of everything.
I'm sure there are different kinds of wax that will work better than skate wax, but any wax is going to work better than none. So I say Yes, do it!
no because you can hurt yourself really badly
try bearing oil or skate wax and then sharpen the tip
of course its a sole skate its the best skate board eva
Some of the best hockey skate brands are CCM, RBK, and Easton. Some of the best figure skate brands are Riedell, CCM, and Super Teri
tour is the best skate for people of all weight and hight.
vans are the best skate shoes