"The S1 Lifer Helmet is by far one of the best fitting and safest skate helmets on the market." - Eddie "El Gato" Elguera (Eddie is a former world champion, invented the FS Rock N Roll, and has been skating for 42 years)
It depends on where you live.It is ALWAYS stupid to skateboard without a helmet, no matter where you live.
Protec helmets are mainly intended for skating/skateboarding. The main design difference between a skate and a bike helmet is that the bike helmet is designed to take one big hit and then be discarded, while skate helmets can take several smaller hits and still be OK to use. If you were to take a really hard fall, then a bike helmet will protect more than a skate helmet, they can soak up more energy. Still, the "wrong" helmet will offer more protection than no helmet.
depending what city you live in
If you can surf, you can skate. All others you need balance and reflexes. Anyone can learn to skate with practice... Wear your pads and helmet!!!!! - VooDoo 13 -
for me, the best no skate zone is the matrix plaza. its got alot of everything.
Any sports focused retailers should have skate helmets as part of their stock. For a wider selection they can also be purchased online at All Sports Equipment, Amazon, and Skate Warehouse.
Auto darkening welding helmet is the best welding helmet.
Steven Gerads helmet
Gm Helmet is best and you can buy it online.
Helmet, shoulder pads, knee pads, shoes, and incase bandages.
of course its a sole skate its the best skate board eva
Some of the best hockey skate brands are CCM, RBK, and Easton. Some of the best figure skate brands are Riedell, CCM, and Super Teri