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The Great Seal of the United States

Note that this site has a Coins and Currency thread for asking questions about, well, coins and currency. Money and Credit is for things like checks, credit cards, loans, etc.

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Q: What is on the backside of the 50cent piece?
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Related questions

How much would a 50cent piece from 1900 be?

a pennie

How much is a 1951 50cent piece worth?

A 1951 Franklin half has a value of abut $15.00.

Where is 50cent?

50cent is in new york.

How do you get 78 cents from 7 coins?

1 50cent piece 2 dimes 1 nickel 3 pennies

How do you make 0.78 using 7 coins?

1 50cent piece 2 dimes 1 nickel and 3 pennies

What is 50cent mailing address?

What is 50cent mailing address

Where is the tps on a 1.6 vtec?

On the backside of the throttle body, its the piece where the wiring harness plugs into.

Can you listen to 50cent music called you get money?

can i listen to i get money from 50cent.

When was 50cent born?

50cent was born on July 6th THE SAME DAY AS MINE!

Has 50cent married?


Did 50cent get shot?


Is 50cent going to help Floyd mayweather fight big show?

no 50cent is only a rapper who is not in the WWE(orWWF(oldie) and mayweather is a pro boxer no 50cent will not help my friend .