it is a matter of opinion i personally like the evo but i am a funky rider i dont ride like others. Its a fun board. Ride On no matter what board u pick
Drop Speed Landyachts
landyachtz Chinook
I have a 9 two 5 and i love it. The 9two5 will definitively be more versatile then the switch. The switch wont be as carvy and will be better for dh.
The answer to this question can only be said with opinion, but I can tell you that the Landyachtz Evo has won more consecutive downhill racing championships than any other longboard in the world. It's a drop-through board with a drop down design. It was designed by DH riders specifically for going downhill. This would be your best bet, if you'd like to go crazy fast. If you're just a casual longboarder, then there are hundreds of different longboards meant for downhill.
it is a longboard brand check
there not the best, but they are pretty reliable
If you don't want to spend to must money on a complete I suggesed a Krown or if you don't mind spending $150 or more get a Loaded or Landyachtz. Krowns our good quality though, but Loaded and Landyachtz are just better. It all depends on what you want. I have a Krown a it work perfect for my weight and size.Or you can go to they have really cheap but good quality boards.
Probally the stimulus or in heat
where do chinook live
Yes, because belief is a powerful medicine.
C. M. Tate has written: 'Chinook jargon, as spoken by the Indians of the Pacific Coast' -- subject(s): Chinook, Chinook Hymns, Chinook jargon, Chinook jargon Hymns, Dictionaries, English, English language, Hymns, Chinook, Hymns, Chinook jargon, Translations from English
If you reverse the stock bear 852's it will downhill nicely