A teckdeck is a mini-skateboard aka fingerboards. It is really fun and theres allot of real tricks for them.You can purchase them in local stores or skate-shops e.g NatterJacks
Well, it depends on what other TechDecks you have, but other than that yes it is a rare TechDeck.
Techdecks are EXACTLY the same the only difference is the graffic on the bottom but if you want a really good techdeck then here are some wooden techdeck sites: http://shop.blackriver-ramps.com/catalog/index.php?language=en or http://flatfacefingerboards.com/webstore/
no. i bought three from walmart
I think you have to wait to June
yes they do
it is 1: planB 2: birdhouse 3:darkstar
In the toy department, if the particular store carries them.
i dont know i cant get to player creator
it depends the price ranges from about 3.00$ to 14.00$ it depends what set
put 2 fingers on it pull back put pressure on the tail and guide it fowards
they do sell alot of tech decks i have 30 my favorit says hjgjh
hi um this is the first time I'm writing um with a techdeck your supposed to act like your fingers are you feet and then do trick with it like they do on real skateboards and just play with it i have 6 of them so i really know how to use them by the way here is my email gman_d@live.com