When it comes to improvement, there is no substitute for practice. If you want to skate better, you gotta skate.
With that said, the efficiency of every move and motion in Skateboarding, or whatever your chosen sport is, can be improved upon by breaking it down into smaller sub-systems.
Almost every single sport out there (Chess and Warcraft don't count) require some combination of stabilization, balance, strength, endurance, explosive power, speed, quickness, and agility.
Improvement at the sub-system level will translate to better skateboarding by providing enhanced physical capacity, and it's resulting effect on the ability to complete a given move or motion.
Stabilization is the ability to control the body both statically and dynamically. Stabilization occurs throughout your whole body in many different ways. Stabilization of the core unit and at the ankle are especially important for skateboarding.
Balance is a state of equilibrium; a state in which the body has the ability to move in space in a controlled movement. You need it for obvious reasons. Balance obviously improves with practice and nothing can replace that. However, better balance in the gym will improve balance on your skateboard. Many companies offer products to enhance balance training. Who do you think does better on a skateboard? The athlete with better balance or the athlete with less?
It shouldn't be ignored, but...
Strength is extremely low on the skateboarding fitness list in terms of usefulness. Training for strength and training for power are completely different workouts. Power is one of the most important elements of skateboarding fitness.
Power is the ability to exert muscular strength quickly. When you see someone ollie really high, they are using power. Again, training for power is VERY different compared to training for strength. Significant improvement will only be realized by using proper training methods for power.
Speed and quickness is the ability to move the whole body quickly. I can't think of a single athlete in any sport that wouldn't benefit from being faster. Being faster gives you an edge over a slower opponent. Speed rules all. Speed can be improved with proper training. You can never be too fast.
Agility is the ability to start, stop, and move the body quickly in different directions. Definitely useful for a skateboarder in a variety of situations. The more agile athlete obviously has that advantage over his opponent.
Each of these elements should be targeted specifically to realize improvement and enhance your ability to perform.
It all depends on what distances you are doing. A 500m, you want to have lots of explosive power, that only has to last 50 seconds right. If your that type of racer you want to be running wind-sprints, running stairs, and all other exercises you can thi sof that would give you more eplosive power. But if you are the long distance type, say for a 1500m or 3000m, you want to have that explosive power, but not foucing on that component so much, rather you sould be doing like 5Km runs, and training for those longer races. You want to have strong Quads for all distances, a Strong Butt helps too. For Long Track you might also want calfs that can propell you forwars as you toe off with the clap-skate. MAy i just add that a great, but painfull exercise that will take you miles ion alost everything physical you do, is to do crunches. I know we all hate them, but it's for the better :) Good luck to all you speed skaters out there :)
Skateboarding, believe it or not, is an extremely broad sport, therefore, the basics of skateboarding are not very basic when you look into all the types of skateboarding that exist. One constant throughout the sport is the makeup of the board. The wooden surface that usually has a graphic on it is the deck, and the rough surface on top of it which is usually black is the griptape, this allows you to grip the board and not slip off it as easily. the metal T shaped objects under the deck are the trucks, these are what turn the board and also supply the primary grinding surface (grinding is the process of sliding across surfaces where the wheels are of no use like rails and ledges) the wheels are simply wheels and their bearings are still called bearings. So there you have the general anatomy of a skateboard, while there are other parts (like hardware, risers, kingpins, axles etc.) you don't need to worry about them too much.
The two most common types of skateboarding are street and vert. Street consists of mainly grinds and flipping the board around while in the air and possibly doing either of the previous things down sets of stairs or over chasms (in skateboarding lingo 'gaps') Vert skating is when one does large 'airs' in halfpipes and grabs the board in different positions while in the air but can also flip it as well. Tranny skateboarding finally is the combination of both types, it consists of grinding flipping and grabbing on smaller ramps which usually TRAN(y)SFER to other ramps, this results in smooth, flowing lines of tricks.
The basis of alsmost all types of skateboaring is the ollie (jump) from there you can flip the board while it is in the air and proceed to land back on it.
Im not going to go over tricks because their extent is way too far to write about, but i would recomend going to skateboardcity.com where there are forums and trick tips which well help you become an accomplished skater
I do not ride with anything but clothes shoes and a skateboard it is a lot better to skate like that because belive it or not it is easier like that so you can bend your knees so you can do tricks and stuff but if your just learning how to ride a skateboard then wear a helmet and pads. I am 16 and I skate and I have two little sisters and they like riding my skateboard so I let them as long as they wear safety gear. I hope that answers your question
You would need pretty good balance. Without balance you couldn't stay on your board or even preform tricks if you can't keep balance and land on your board properly. You will also need confidence and good nerves. You can be afraid to try new tricks and venture with you board (wear a helmet). Finally you WILL NEED to know to to assemble your skateboard and adjust it to wear you're comfortable. If something is wrong you'll need to know how to take the board apart fix the problem and put it back together.
the main equipment you need for skateboarding is the board itself, with wheels, etc. Then you need a safety helmet. After that, something like a half-pipe where you can practice your skateboarding is helpful.
rupert rage
http://skateboard.about.com/od/tricktips/tp/New_Skaters_Guide.htm. It Has the equipment you need to skate and the basic tricks.
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Train,train,train.Oh,and get the best skateboarding equipment.
The Nike SB logo is used to brand Nike's line of skateboarding wear and equipment. Such equipment is mostly sold in skateboard shops, which carry a wide variety of skateboarding brands.
You need good balance. You will need steady arms when holding the camera and bend your legs to keep balance. The equipment you need is a clear camera with a handle or strap and a fish eye lens should do the trick. =]
you need a jersey, silky shorts, and sneakers
no you do not need to buy any additional equipment for a ps3 to allow for online game play. This is because the material needed to play is already in the box, including the game that you want to play
Finger skateboarding is a fun hobby for people of all ages. Toys"R"Us carries the finger skateboarding brand "Tech Decks" and sells equipment along with it.
A telephone to connect to and a game for the internet.