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"RICER" stands for "Rest, Ice, Compression, Elevation, Referral". It refers to injuries.

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Q: What does ricers stand for?
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Related questions

When was Sueca Ricers created?

Sueca Ricers was created in 2007.

How do potato ricers work and are they dishwasher safe?

Potato ricers mash potatoes by squeezing the potato with the ricer handle through small holes in to small rice like shapes. It's similar to a garlic press. Yes, several brand of potato ricers are dishwater safe.

What is Nissan vision statement?

to give ricers a car

What is RICERS?

Well, I don't fully know what RICERS is, but I do know what RICES is, so maybe this will help. R-rest I-ice C-compretion E-elevation S-support Athletes use this if they have ingures, to help it heal.

What type of a failed attempt is known as a ricers according to the Ricers heading found on the Encyclopedia Dramatic website?

A ricer is a failed attempt at making a car. This term may refer to cars built in Japan and mexico, where an owner will modify the vehicle, such as a spoiler, that does not look attractive to many other people.

Can a Jeep Cherokee be fitted with a turbocharger?

Yes. But ew, go get a supercharger. Turbos are for ricers. Word of caution, it will kill your engine way faster.

What type of potato ricer should I buy?

Potato ricers are handy basic kitchen tools. A simply styled ricer, preferably in stainless steel, is a good choice. You can find them online at

What exactly is a potato ricer Where can I buy one online?

A potato ricer is a tool used to process potatoes by forcing them through small holes. You can find great deals on potato ricers on Amazon and Ebay, even Craigslist.

Why does the engines on Jap car sometimes give off a sulfur like rotten egg smell?

All cars do it with fresh cats and an over rich condition. The ricers "computer up" their fuel flow and then you get that smell. You gotta burn a lot of gas to make BIG power.

What is pressing when referring to food?

There are numerous uses of 'pressing' in cooking. A cookie press pushes out cookie dough through a die that shapes it. There are ricers that push potatoes and apples through a fine sieve to make them smaller. And there are other presses that will compress some of the food to reduce the amount of liquid in it and enhance the flavors.

What is a homophone for stand?

A homophone for stand is "stann," which is a rare alternative spelling of 'stand.'

What is the present infinitive of stand?

The present infinitive of "stand" is "to stand."